Giving Back
Jo is passionate about giving back to the organisations that have not only supported her, but many others, when it comes to the death of a loved one.
$1 of each book sale will be donated to the following organisations on a monthly rotation and sent to the organisation directly.
Hope Bereavement Care (Hope) is a not for profit organisation based in Geelong offering free information, support and counselling when grieving the death of a child, the sudden and unexpected death of an adult and those experiencing loss after suicide.
"Each year, approximately 100 children in the Geelong area experience the death of a parent."
Currently, Wombat’s Wish is the only specialist service that offers support to these children. They assist bereaved children to find a way to live with loss and grief, to move forward and take the next steps on their bereavement journey.
Wombat’s Wish is based on a very successful and highly regarded Winston’s Wish program in the UK. Wombat’s Wish aims to provide a similarly valuable and extensive service in the Geelong area.
Wombat’s Wish believe all bereaved children, young people and their parents/carers have the right to information, guidance and support to enable them to manage the impact of death on their lives.